China´s National Climate Change

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

Climate change is a major global issue of common concern to the international community. It is an issue involving both environment and development, but it is ultimately an issue of development. As noted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as UNFCCC), the largest share of historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gases has originated from developed countries, while per capita emissions in developing countries are still relatively low and the share of global emissions originating from developing countries will grow to meet their social and development needs. The UNFCCC stipulates clearly that the Parties to the Convention shall protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and accordingly, the developed country Parties shall take the lead in combating climate change and the adverse effects thereof. It further provides that all Parties shall formulate, implement, publish and regularly update national programmes to address climate change.

Ley de la propiedad privada

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

La Asamblea Popular Nacional (APN), máximo órgano legislativo de China, adoptó el 16 de marzo del 2007 en Beijing la Ley  de la Propiedad, que garantiza los mismos derechos a las  propiedades públicas y privadas.En la última jornada de la sesión anual de la ANP, que se celebra en Pekín, sus 2.888 integrantes dieron su visto bueno a la Ley sobre la Propiedad, por 2.799 a favor, 37 abstenciones y 52 en contra. La ley de 247 artículos, que entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre  de 2007, estipula que “la propiedad del Estado, la colectividad,  el individuo y otros obligados está protegida por la ley, y  ninguna unidad o individuo puede infrigirla”.

People?s Republic of China Internal migrants: Discrimination and Abuse

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

Cha Guoqun left his village to work doing odd jobs in the city of Hangzhou, in eastern China. When a cut on his leg got infected in November 2006, and prevented him from working, he visited a state hospital. As Cha had no health insurance, the doctor gave him two options. Either pay 1000 yuan (US$12) a day for treatment, the equivalent of his entire monthly income, or have his leg amputated. In this instance Cha got lucky. He received subsidized treatment from a Christian charity hospital, and was able to save his leg. As he said, “I was lucky this time, but on the whole, medical treatment is too expensive for people like me.”

Discours de Monsieur Hu Jintao, président de la Republique populaire de Chine, à la cérémonie d´ouverture du sommet de Beijing du Forum sur la Coopération sino-africaine

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

BEIJING, (XINHUA) –  Le président chinois Hu Jintao a  prononcé samedi un discours à la cérémonie d’ouverture du sommet  de Beijing du forum sur la coopération sino-africaine, en voici le texte intégral: