Life in Beijing is no easy piece. Haze is now so common that blue sky always make the headline once it appears. People have to wear masks and look forward for Beijing to host international conferences or big events, because then pollution will be less severe thus cleaner air like “APEC blue”. “Singles Day Shopping Craze”is coming, and I better grab some PM2.5 masks online for the haze is sure to worsen after heating by coal started. Nowadays, people do not trust homemade milk powders anymore; instead they would rather spend more on foreign brands. It is the same for home appliances. Why? For better quality. Beijing does not have a lot of rain; but due to inadequate draining system, whenever it showers, the city becomes a “sea”—miles between work and home can be extremely difficult. I knew no wealth management before; and when I finally made up mind and invest all savings in the stock market, the market crashed. I called my parents last night telling them my plan to visit them on New Year vacation, but I intentionally left out the fact that I did not get a seat-ticket because I missed the 60-day beforehand booking window. My mom told me not to buy instant food from supermarkets for they are not safe. I promised her and then persuaded myself to take it easy, because basically no food qualifies as safe: they always contain preservatives or modified genes…