Las presidenciales taiwanesas del 22 de Marzo

In Especiales by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

El próximo 22 de marzo se celebran en Taiwán unas elecciones cruciales. Los comicios legislativos del 12 de enero han deparado una importante victoria al KMT y las encuestas de opinión de cara a las presidenciales también le favorecen ampliamente, lo cual, de confirmarse, establecería un nuevo marco político en la isla con consecuencias en las relaciones con el continente. …

Declaración Conjunta de la X Cumbre China-UE

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

La X Cumbre China-UE se celebró en Beijing el 28 de noviembre de 2007. El Primer Ministro del Consejo del Estado de China Wen Jiabao asistió a la reunión a nombre de la República Popular China. La UE fue representada por el Presidente del Consejo de Europa y Primer Ministro de la República de Portugal José Sócrates y el Presidente de la Comisión Europea José Manuel Barroso.

Informe presentado por Hu Jintao ante el XVII Congreso Nacional del Partido Comunista de China

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

A continuación presentamos el texto íntegro del informe titulado “Mantener en alto la gran bandera del socialismo con peculiaridades chinas en una lucha por conquistar nuevas victorias en la edificación integral de la sociedad modestamente acomodada“, presentado por Hu Jintao ante el XVII Congreso Nacional del Partido Comunista de China (PCCh), el 15 de octubre de 2007 en Beijing.

China – Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change into Water Resources Management and Rural Development Project

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

The project development objective is to enhance the resilience of agricultural and water
development to climate change in the 3H Basin through: (a) selecting, developing,

implementing and promoting adoption of selected climate change adaptation measures

and techniques by main stakeholders at selected demonstration areas in the 3H Basin; and

(b) mainstreaming and incorporating such demonstrated adaptation measures into the

national CAD program.

Environmental performance review of China

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

Since the launch of the “open door” policy in 1978, economic growth has been remarkable. Over the last 15 years, the average rate of economic growth has been 10.1% per year. China now has the fourth largest economy in the world. Large foreign direct investment and the increased role of market forces have facilitated the country’s integration into the global economy.

Especial «Hong Kong: ¿una década prodigiosa?»

In Especiales by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

El 1 de julio se cumplen los primeros diez años de la retrocesión de Hong Kong a soberanía china, completada dos años más tarde con la recuperación del enclave de Macao. Con tal motivo, desde el OPCh consideramos de interés plantear las siguientes preguntas: 1. Cómo valora la evolución general de Hong Kong en estos diez años, tanto en lo …

China´s National Climate Change

In Documentación by PSTBS12378sxedeOPCH

Climate change is a major global issue of common concern to the international community. It is an issue involving both environment and development, but it is ultimately an issue of development. As noted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as UNFCCC), the largest share of historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gases has originated from developed countries, while per capita emissions in developing countries are still relatively low and the share of global emissions originating from developing countries will grow to meet their social and development needs. The UNFCCC stipulates clearly that the Parties to the Convention shall protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and accordingly, the developed country Parties shall take the lead in combating climate change and the adverse effects thereof. It further provides that all Parties shall formulate, implement, publish and regularly update national programmes to address climate change.